During this course, instructors will focus on both the principles of flap creation and the clinical use of these flaps. Additionally, the performance of specific reconstructive surgical procedures such as pinnectomy, nosectomy, and mastectomy will be described in great detail and performed by participants in the laboratory. More advanced reconstruction techniques utilized during thoracic wall injury (eg. rib fractures, diaphragm advancement) as well as digit reconstruction procedures such as amputation and phalangeal fillet will also be discussed and performed in the laboratory. Lastly, attendees will comfortable with many different flaps that can be used for reconstruction during their surgeries. At the end of this course, participants will have a strong understanding of the principles of flap usage, the types of flaps that can be used for different surgical diseases and how to perform many reconstructive
Oquendo Campus, 2425 East Oquendo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89120Directions
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