Join us for 3 full days of lecture and laboratories focused on soft tissue procedures such as: gastropexy, splenectomy, and intestinal resection and anastomosis. Learn how to systematically explore the abdomen and improve visualization in order to avoid complications and optimize success. We will also practice other soft tissue surgeries such as anal sacculectomy and sialoadenectomy. Practice using instruments such as vessel-sealing devices and staplers in order to increase efficiency and reduce patient morbidity. We will also spend a day learning various amputation procedures (limb, tail, digit) and completing an FHO on both the dog and cat. Instructors have extensive experience in private practice and academia and utilize interactive clinical presentations to introduce laboratory procedures and provide applied context for perioperative management. Our team includes specialists in small animal surgery and critical care to address different perspectives of relevant pathology, patient stabilization methods, and surgical technique. Participants will have ample time in laboratory to practice procedures on cadavers with guidance from ACVS- and ACVECC-certified instructors.
Oquendo Campus, 2425 East Oquendo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89120Directions
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