Intermediate Abdominal Ultrasound

This course is designed to be the continuation of the basic course. Where the basic course focuses on the ultrasound machine and n

Intermediate Abdominal Ultrasound SeptemberSep 25 2025 - SeptemberSep 27 2025 UTC2425 East Oquendo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89120
Veterinary Imaging-Ultrasound

This course is designed to be the continuation of the basic course. Where the basic course focuses on the ultrasound machine and normal anatomy, the intermediate course will focus on the common abnormal pathology seen in the abdomen. An overview lecture covering the ultrasound machine and a normal ultrasound examination will be covered as a review, but the pathology of the liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, urinary bladder and gastrointestinal tract are the main focus of this course.

In this 3-day course 12 hours are spent in the laboratory practicing a complete examination on dogs and cats as well as working on any difficulties you have on your image acquisition. Care will be spent teaching image optimization and image acquisition under expert guidance making sure you optimize your hands-on experience. When you are finished this course, you will understand the advantages and limitations of ultrasound as well as optimizing your examination to ensure that you have the best chance to find the pathology that is present within the abdomen when you return to your clinic.

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Oquendo Campus, 2425 East Oquendo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89120


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