The Advanced Neurosurgery Surgery Level II is designed for surgeons that are skilled at neurosurgery including laminectomies and ventral slot decompression and wish to expand their surgical repertoire to more technical procedures and spinal stabilizations. The skills taught will be SOP instrumentation, cervical stabilization with specialized SOP cervical plates, AA stabilization, lumbar and thoracic stabilization with SOP and pedicle screws, lumbosacral stabilization with SOP and pedicle screws, corpectomy and foraminotomy. There will be five sessions beginning with theory and detailed step by step description of the procedures followed by a demonstration of the procedure by an instructor on a cadaver. The attendees will then perform the procedures on cadavers and can repeat the procedures as needed. Instrumentation will include standard surgical instrumentation, specialized spinal instrumentation, high speed burr, drills, and SOP instrumentation and screws, specialized cervical SOP, and pedicle screw system
OrthoMedSponsor of Neurosurgery II
Oquendo Campus, 2425 East Oquendo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89120Directions
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